
Showing posts from October, 2017

You've Been Hacked

Assume everything you do on the Internet is already hacked. Assume every email that you write, assume every picture that you click from your phone is already something that is visible to the public eye and something that anybody and everybody can read. There are only two kinds of people in the world. One, who know that they have been hacked; and the others who don’t know that they have been hacked. Today, in our world, absolute security is virtually non-existent. What was secure yesterday is not secure today. What is secure today, will definitely not be secure tomorrow. Every stakeholder today, is increasingly using data and information in the electronic form. There is no denying the fact that earlier we used to be connected to the Internet. Today, we are a part of the Internet so consequently, Internet is taken for granted. With the result, there is blurring of the lines between the physical world and the virtual world. And the machines are becoming smarter because