Chapter 4


We came one day before the beginning of the assignment. We had reached the place at 12 noon. We were resting now. We had separate rooms. The place was having blowing horns,lusturous cars and the security guards seen from the window. The window was great though. It was an elongated one. I could enjoy sitting over it during nights. 

Some hours seemed so long at that place. You can imagine me changing my sites of view within every 30 minutes in order to shed boredom and ending up meeting nothing. 

I don't really like leisure time. It makes me think in abundance. 

I began thinking about the possibility of the cause behind her major change.What such could happen in a single day that changed a person so extensively ! Before I could complete that research I was struck with another question that I really don't have anything else apart from her to think,to believe .. My every moment has her into it. My 24 hours belong to her ,can be a minute more but nevertheless. They say that you get something only if you want it intentionally enough,I am willing to spend my whole life worshipping her absencefull presence. I will get her at the end,either way,She shall get me too ! I could escape too in order to get her sooner but that would be against every promise,against her,I would complete it all as she did so that now when we meet its really peaceful and long ,just the togethereness. 

Finally,there was a knock on the door and my duration of loneliness was over. It was my friend he was with the team,people with whom we were to work with. There was a fair man,tall and bearded with a bald head that I realized later as he took off his hat who was a journalist and two ladies among whom one was young and fair and was a writer and another seemed experienced who owned some non-profit organisations. They together were working with our company to seek the knowledge for the need of water,fuel,gas and every such thing required by the people of this area,big pocket or small pocket wasn't a matter,our job was to get the knowledge about the locations as we were to implant business of pipelines around,which was a bit off business but I took it anyway as I was to expand the reach of isolated people and bring up the real essence of zeal required. I wanted that no baby girl should be tied up. 

We were onto the discussion and it reached some far but we realizing it to be the only holiday of the week left the work there and thought to continue it tomorrow. I was okay with it to be like that. They all left. Although they asked me join them for dinner but I had denied as I was carrying something with me and that was mother's made food. Well,technically her mother,but more like mine mother now. Sorry girl ! haha.I have two mothers now. I had enjoyed it,the food. She didn't come,may be she was already there then by her mother's side,eating. I had a habit of watching television while eating. So did I today. I though did not need television when she was. 

I was on bed as I was done with the food. I was feeling asleep today without pills. I felt ticklish,I remember this very well. I sat down bolt upright and found it to be her,with her skirt ,long enough to spread all over the ground where she was beseated and it being wavy. I really grabbed her for that moment and she grabbed me back amazingly ! I let her do so.. I was down on the bed and was really playing with her. I kissed her on her cheek,suddenly and she looked at me for a while as she pulled her face back and then all of a sudden hugged me tight and slept on my shoulder and I did over her head. 

I could not wake up peacefully this morning as I should have. My morning began with the harsh knocks on the door. I rushed to the door and found that it was him,my friend. He was there asking me to get ready as soon as possible as I was already late.It was 8 a.m. I went to take shower and without eating,departed. 

By driving a half kilometre or more we reached the prior destination and had the meeting in which we mainly discussed about the investment into the project and its yield,moreover we took it all into our hands as we knew that if we gave any third party,the resposibilty to take care of it,He/She would act just as any mere care taker for name and wouldn't actually be saturated to do it at all for other than money factor. We care for what we own. I wonder if there's anyone who cares for all and all without any self issues. Either way it prolonged till it was dark. I took the responsibilty to drop all the ladies upto their home out of courtsey as it was me due to whom they had to stay back till so long. And,sorry but I am one more cause for the belief of the paths and routes being swallowing and unsafe enough and anyhow I am seeming to be promoting the dangling fear upright but.. it isn't I am just frightened on my own. 

I dropped the organisation's owner upto her buliding's main door and she thanked me and also asked if both would like to eat something but we kind of denied. As we moved ahead I realized that the young lady lives real far and it was really kind of her to stay back for this long. 
We drove for almost 5-6 kilometres to reach upto her home. As we reached there it was 10 p.m. She insisted me to have food. As we entered inside ,I found her home to be real beautiful. She took hardly a few minutes to take out the food out of refrigerator. I wasn't looking much here and there as it could have been awkward to check out someone's stuff in that way. So I had my eyes only on the food and the spoon coming back and back for me by me. I ended up and may be she did as well. She just asked me to pass the plate. I did,our hands had a slight touch that I didn't notice untill forward coming.. I ,then wanted to have water but I didn't ask for. I just turned around sub conciously and found nothing. She brought me the water,surprisingly. I was about to hold the glass but before that she left it and the water was spilled onto me. She brought a towel for me and while helping me with it,she asked me about the cause behind my ultra-courtsey. I replied that it was genuine for a stranger  female. She nodded both,the yes and no. She asked me if we could be friends and I ofcourse said yes in reply. Soon,I left her place for the hotel I was staying in. 

- Kirti


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