
Showing posts from March, 2018


            "I sit here,looking at them intently." "I'm here with them since past 7 years." Can't it be that all these are the thoughts of my Bubbles. He sit here quietly and its very often said that the quiet beings are the deep thinkers. He's so absorbed in his thoughts that he rarely gets the time even to look at me. ❤💛♡❤💛♡♡💛💛❤♡❤💛♡💛❤♡||                 | |              |  ♡    | Today,He waved a bit suddenly,I got freaked ! But within a second I do realized that it was the wind that caused him to move. Then,what if he suddenly got alive as I always thought and yells at us for causing him all the pain. How difficuilt had it been for him,always sitting and bearing the pain when he can't even express it!? ❤💛♡❤💛♡♡💛💛❤♡❤💛♡💛❤♡||                 | |              |  ♡    | I often try to figure that what he's thinking but today a vivid vision struck me that was so clear eversince but I could never p

Chapter 3

♡THE DOPPEL GANGER♡ Today I saw a girl child, She was fastened with a rope. Actually,I am working on a project. I wanted peace for the upcoming month. Upcoming month is the same month when she helped me,saving me from her hearse even. I needed to stay away from those memories because they might have haunted me . The place,the aura and everything ! The sky beneath that land even stares at me with annoyed air,stars,moon and sun.. But she? She even then saves me from them. Every morning she wakes me up and every night puts me to sleep,mostly.. I did not know that who she is but watching her there sitting alone into the dessert on the hot sand. Her bare thighs touched the boiled sand. Her skirt was old and tatter ed. She was eating sand! I went close to her,bent down and with eye postures asked her that what is she upto and I offered my vacant hand towards her. She acted as if she's red handed caught while eating sand and surprisingly giggled when I sat down folding my legs. Bei

Chapter 2

  How it began↢↢↢ I actually took the examination far more better than what I expected. I have invested almost 6 years of my life in recollecting,reassimilating,erasing and rewriting my mind to resemble it with her. I have taken the examination of Biology today,a total upside down of my world. She couldn't take it so I took it for her.  Such a fine piece of me or me being her. We weren't at all distinct. Its wonderful and sparse at the same time,isn't it? To have our aspirations achieved by someone else. I shall explain it saying that her thrist would quench if I drink water,my abrassion over the lips is a choke to her throat even if she be into any river of elixir. It has been almost eight years since I last saw her. Although at the end,all that I wanted was to hold her tight enough that her hair could have flown out the crack of fist,with her head on my chest. I wanted to ask her to get up and never let it go but it would have been the most cruel thing that I might

Chapter 1

A long time ago... EXAM Even today sometimes I do hear her voice. She doesn't show up normally just on any occassion. If I am tired out of any celebration she wouldn't be there but if pained,in the hearth of heart,injured or in any difficuilty. I do hear her voice. She doesn't talk about my trouble but she talks pointless beyond the pivot even today. Even today she's as deflected and diverted as was then. This has concereted my belief about our worlds being totally different. Nothing has really changed. Today,I woke up in a haste as today is my examination and I had no clue that what am I upto or whether I would really be taking it over the par or not. It may sound quite diminished and it being a mere exam but well,there are two things about a situation. We believe things to be just some solid whorls scarcely untill we ourselves are into that thing,then it begins to become complex and detailed. Another thing is be like that no problem of the world is actually